CIPINA is supported by Mr Abdou Diouf, former Secretary General of the OIF

Dear friends from Africa and elsewhere,

We are pleased to inform you that since February 25, 2014, our association has been sponsored by His Excellency Mr.   Abdou Diouf, former Secretary General of the OIF and former President of Senegal. This support is the result of a total convergence of views between CIPINA and Mr. Abdou Diouf with respect to the values ​​of universality, promotion of the French language and multilingualism, cultural diversity and development, promotion of peace, democracy and human rights, sustainable development, capacity building of young people, the fight against the digital divide, gender equality, economic promotion and health.

By committing to these themes, for the benefit of Africa’s development and its image, CIPINA could not find better patronage than that of its Secretary General, His Excellency Mr. Abdou Diouf. This is an opportunity for our office to thank this great statesman who, throughout his career, has continued to promote the values ​​of peace, sharing, dialogue and respect between peoples. Thanks to him, we will be able to carry out concrete actions for the promotion of the image of a New Africa, turned towards the future and master of its destiny.

For this, CIPINA will be forever grateful to him.

Mr. Tidiane Diouwara, President of CIPINA

Career of His Excellency President Abdou Diouf, Secretary General of the OIF

President Abdou Diouf  is a Senegalese politician born on September 7, 1935 in Louga, in the northwest of Senegal. After primary and secondary studies at the Emile Sarr School in Saint Louis, he continued with law studies in Dakar and Paris. In 1960, he obtained a diploma from the National School of Overseas France (ENFOM). A civil administrator, top of his class, at only 25 years old, he became governor of the Sine-Saloum region. His exceptional potential allowed him to be Chief of Staff to President Senghor in 1963, then Secretary General of the Presidency of the Republic in 1964, Minister of Planning and Industry from 1968 to 1970, Prime Minister in February 1970, and finally President of the Republic of Senegal on January 1, 1981, following Senghor’s resignation, and was reappointed to his duties during the elections of 1983, 1988 and 1993. During his reign, he worked effectively for the rooting of democracy in Senegal, ardently defended the progressive liberalization of the economy and decentralization.

Secretary General of the OIF since October 20, 2002, he contributes to the influence of Senegal and Africa in the world and defends the idea of ​​a united and united Africa. A great defender of peace, he is a member of the honorary committee of the Chirac Foundation, launched in 2008 by the former French Head of State Jacques Chirac to work for peace in the world. The exceptional career of this great statesman is also marked by the receipt of several international distinctions, the most remarkable of which are:

  • The Prix de la Francophonie, in 2001, awarded by the Academy of Sports for his work in favor of the Francophonie and sport.
  • The title  of Officer  of the National Order of Quebec in 2007 and  Grand Officer  in 2011.
  •  Honorary doctorate  from Jean Monnet University in Saint-Étienne in 2007 and from Paul-Valéry University in Montpellier.
  • The title of doctor  honoris causa  from the University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne in 2009.
  • Honorary doctorate   from the University of Lausanne in 2010 
  • Honorary  doctorate  from the University of Liège in 2011
  • The title of doctor  honoris causa  from the Higher Institute of Management of Dakar in 2012 
  • The REUBELL Prize in 2013 in Paris awarded by the International Institution of the History of Notaries and which rewards a notary or a politician who has distinguished himself in the public life of his country