CIPINA is happy to collaborate with schools, socio-cultural centers and neighborhood centers which include students and young people from diverse origins and who are concerned, among other objectives, to promote living together. Structured around relevant and sustainable educational projects, this collaboration aims toinform, raise awareness and educate students in the culture of peace, dialogue, tolerance and acceptance of others. Children and young people do not all have the same backgrounds or the same educational, material and other means, it is important to make them attentive to the situation experienced by children and young people from other regions of the world. The objective of this collaboration with schools and other youth support structures is to promote openness to the rest of the world, respect for differences, whatever they may be, and multicultural dialogue. Indeed, in most cases, the non-acceptance of others and of differences comes from ignorance, lack of information and awareness of injustices, inequalities and their negative consequences on peaceful coexistence between people. peoples. Young people, representing the future, especially for a continent like Africa, it is essential that actions be carried out, in concert with teachers and educators, in order to provide them with programs to encourage them to adopt behaviors more responsible and more united. Among these actions, making presentations on the countries of origin of students of African origin, particularly onhistory, geography, the situation of education, health, hunger, human rights man in these countries,can be beneficial in the long term. TheCIPINAis prepared to include in its events photo exhibitions, fun activities, stories as well as stories on the situation of children in each of the 54 countries that make up the African continent.